About the Site

Recent Changes:  

Index page has been removed.

One parent page (Links) and three child pages (Climate Articles, Climate Sites, and Climate Talk) have been added.

Words “article” and “post” mean the same thing on this site.  “Post” is now preferred.

03-30-15  A new page “Analyses” has been added.

04-07-15  New page added under Links:  Politics

Posting a Comment

You may submit a comment on any post.  Click on the window in the top or bottom bar of the post that contains the word “comments.” Then fill in the form and submit it. You don’t have to sign your real name.

Submitting an Post

You may submit an article for posting. Click submit post to open a new email message. Put your post in the body of the message or attach it. Include your real name, address, and phone number. Then send the message.

Your name will be published with the post, but not your address or phone number.

So long as the post fits the theme of this site, and does not contain libel, inappropriate language, or a personal attack, it will be published.

Finding Stuff

To see a list of all posts click Blog here or in the header bar.  These and other lists of posts will be displayed in chronological order, newest at the top.

To find posts on a particular subject, click the subject name in the header bar, or the subject category in the right sidebar, or the tag in the cloud in the sidebar.

To search for a word or phrase in a post on this site, enter it in the search window on the top of the right side bar and click the icon.  Search is not case sensitive.


Only the first few lines of a post appear when it is in a list of posts.  Click on the title to see the whole post.  Use the back arrow to return to the list of posts.

Click on a photo or chart that is embedded in a post to enlarge it. Use the back arrow to return to the original size.

Posts are displayed in chronological order, the newest at the top, using the date shown in the bar above the article.  When the principal content of a post is a document with its own date, the date in the bar is the document date.

Some posts were posted on other sites before this site was set up.  They have been copied to this site and show the original dates.

A post is not in an archive or file folder with a category name.  It is selected for display in a category by a link to that category that appears in the bar below the post.  Only one category is assigned to a post.  Multiple tags may be assigned to one post.

Site Moderator


I am the site moderator. You may email comments and questions to me at


Bill Allen    03-22-15

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