Why the Site

My goal is to leave for our children and grandchildren a world in which they can survive, thrive, and leave the same kind of world to their children.  I believe our greatest challenge is to slow and ultimately stop global warming.  To discuss this I set up a website in 2010 with the name “OFF by 2050”, which is short for “Off Fossil Fuels by 2050”.

In the months that followed I concluded that we have to put our economy on the road to health again, and put our fiscal house in order, before we will deal seriously with climate change.  Our first priority in the near term must be to grow the economy.  Longer range we must bring our national debt under control.  To do these things we must improve our politics.

In Jersey Grandpa I plan to devote most attention to these key issues.  The site will also include some comments on other national, state, and local issues.

I have copied some articles to Jersey Grandpa that deal with politics and government from OFF by 2050 and other sites, where they were originally posted.

The site OFF by 2050 is no longer active.  (03-21-15)

Two very important reasons for this site are in the photo below and they are joined by two more in the photo on the Home page.  Click to enlarge.  Use the back arrow on your browser to come back here.

Bill Allen,  10-15-11

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