Fix the Filibuster

Letter below was sent to Senator Bob Menendez and to Senator Cory Booker on 03-10-21.  It was submitted and published in the Bernardsville News on 03-11-21.

Dear Senator …

Passage of the Virus Relief Bill was a great accomplishment.  I urge you to now assign high priority to changing Senate rules for the filibuster.

Senator Joe Manchin has frequently said that he will not agree to eliminate the filibuster.  In a recent interview on Meet the Press he argued that the minority should always have the opportunity to make its case and be heard.  This makes sense to me.

But then he said he would be willing to make it “a little bit more painful.  Make them stand there and talk.”  This used to be a requirement and also makes sense.

Another suggestion is to change the definition of an affirmative vote for cloture from 60% of the full Senate to 60% of those present and voting.

Please work with your colleagues to change the rules, so that essential legislation like the Voting Rights Act can be passed in time to block laws now being enacted by states to suppress voting in the 2022 election.  Thank you.

Bill Allen    03-10-21


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