EICDA 3.0: Use numeric baseline for GHG emissions schedule

Proposal below was posted to the Energy Innovation Act forum on the CCL Community website on 06-30-20.

HR 763 has a schedule for GHG emission reductions that begins with a baseline that is described in the bill.  A person who wants to use this schedule in an analysis must go to the text of the bill.  On pages 12-13 he or she will find a description of the baseline.  Then to page 6 for the definition of “covered fuel.”  Then to data published on line by EPA for the quantity for each of the covered fuels in the reference year.  Then compute the total for all the covered fuels to get the baseline number for the schedule.

I propose that a real number be put in the bill for the baseline.  This will save time for the analyst and assure that all people working with the schedule will be starting from the same place.

The text of the bill is here.

Bill Allen

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