The Next Act

Comment below was first posted in forums on the website of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in November 2019.  The town I refer to in the next-to-last paragraph is Bernards Township in NJ.

Bill Allen    01-07-20

My somewhat optimistic working assumption is that a system of Carbon Fee and Dividend (CFD) will be enabled by HR 763 or similar legislation in 2021.  Carbon fees and carbon dividends will go live in 2022.

I propose that we in CCL then shift our emphasis from lobbying to education.

Most people will not have followed the progress of the legislation and will know nothing about CFD.  They will react slowly to the price signals produced by the carbon fees, and will contribute little in the early years to progress down the curve of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.  We need a vigorous plan of outreach and education to produce proactive consumers, who will accelerate the drive down the GHG emission curve.  CCL volunteers should:

  • Explain CFD to the consumer and business communities.
  • Show consumers how they can project the dividends they will receive over ten or more years.
  • Show them how they can project the rising costs of fossil fuels they will consume.
  • Suggest how they can reduce consumption of these fuels.
  • Point them to professionals who can help, such as energy auditors and home improvement contractors.
  • Become the go-to people for anyone seeking information re global warming and what they can do about it.

Many in the business community will be alert and respond rapidly with goods and services that will help consumers consume less fossil fuel.  But not all will do this.  CCL volunteers should reach out to local business people, explain CFD, and discuss potential opportunities.

I estimate that $227 million in dividends will be distributed to the 27,000 residents of my town over the first ten years with CFD.  Knowledge of these funds should stimulate interest in the local business community.

CCL has committed staff and volunteers, and excellent organization and tools like this website.  No one is better positioned to reach out and provide the education and information proposed here.  Let’s begin now and plan how we will do this.

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