Donald J. Trump is a Russian agent

Letter below was submitted to Bernardsville News on 07-21-18.  It was published on line on 07-24-18 and in the print edition on 07-26-18.

Comments following the press conference by well-known people are below the letter.


“Agent:  a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.”

This dictionary definition describes the president of the United States.

  • Donald J. Trump is a Russian agent.

Robert Mueller’s investigation may eventually explain why, but we don’t need that answer now.  Actions speak and proof was on display Monday, July 16, at the Trump/Putin press conference in Helsinki.

The FBI, the Intelligence Community, and the Senate Intelligence Committee have all reported that Russia worked to help Mr. Trump in the 2016 election.  He was told this in January 2017.  He has consistently refused to accept this and did so again at the press conference.  He indicated that he put as much trust in the words of Vladimir Putin as he did in our own intelligence experts.

Mr. Putin wants Russia to again be an important player on the world stage.  He has limited ability to make his own country stronger, so his strategy is to make America weaker.  Mr. Trump executes this strategy every day.  Three examples:

We are a nation of immigrants.  America’s genius has been to absorb them and use their ideas and energies to enrich our economy and our society.  When he ignores our history, wars on newer immigrants, and divides our people, Mr. Trump makes America weaker.

Most children learn in the school yard that it’s better to have friends then enemies.  Mr. Trump has deliberately picked fights with old friends and allies like Canada, Germany, the UK, and others in NATO.  He is making America weaker.

There is broad agreement among those who study the subject that international trade has benefitted us.  Without warning, and without any evidence of consideration of its consequences, Mr. Trump recently launched a trade war.  Harley-Davidson and BMW have already announced plans to manufacture products in other countries that could be made here.  This trade war will hurt both workers and consumers and will make America weaker.

Because he is an agent of a hostile foreign power, we must restrict Mr. Trump’s influence as much and as soon as possible, and eventually remove him from office.  All those who support him are enablers of a Russian agent.

All those, who are enablers and also candidates for public office, should be defeated in November.

Bill Allen    07-21-18

Tom Friedman: America First or Trump First? op-ed

A Message From a C.E.O.: Tariffs Are Going to Hurt American Companies

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