Find suitable site for mosque in Bernards Township

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News.  It was published on line on 01-18-17 and in the print edition on 01-19-17.


Last week you reviewed the dispute over the proposal by the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (ISBR) to build a mosque in Liberty corner, and you invited comments on it. I will take a break from writing about climate change and accept your invitation.

First, full disclosure: As a 48-year resident of Bernards Township, I love the town and take great pride in it.  I do not recognize our community in the charges of bias and bigotry in the media and letters from outsiders.

I have known Ali Chaudry, president of ISBR, for many years. I respect him and consider him a friend.  I know most of the township officials mentioned in the coverage of this dispute and feel the same way about them.  I have friends who live in Liberty Corner.  These are all good people.

I attended a few of the hearings on the application held by the Planning Board. They were conducted in a courteous and fair manner.  Professional witnesses and members of the public were allowed abundant time to speak.

I have studied neither the materials submitted by the experts nor the record produced before the board. I do not have sufficient knowledge to comment on the merits of the board’s decision to deny the application, and will not do so.

I do know that development proposals, that may affect the character of a neighborhood, are resisted by residents. For most, their home is their major asset.  But there is much more than property value at stake.  People invest their lives in their homes and neighborhoods, and they don’t want them to change.  This attitude is understandable and should be respected.

In the 90s there was opposition to a proposal by the Millington Baptist Church to build a new church on Mine Brook Rd. I recall no charges of discrimination against Baptists.  There was opposition to expansion of the YMCA on Mount Airy Rd.  I recall no charges of  discrimination against people who want to be fit.  In the 70s there was opposition to development of the small park in Rebel Hill.  I recall no charges of discrimination against kids.

If resolution of the mosque issue is left to the courts, there will be no winners. The ill will produced will last a long time.  We must look for a solution that satisfies all parties.  I have a proposal.

The township owns lots of land. I believe that a suitable site can be found for the mosque.  I recommend that ISBR and township officials review what is available and pick a site.  Then transfer the township land to ISBR at a fair price.  ISBR will withdraw its Liberty Corner application and sell or rent the property.

I propose that representatives of both the township and ISBR state publicly that they are willing to discuss in private a transfer of township land. Then do it.

Bill Allen,  01-16-17

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