Have I got a deal for you? Carbon Fee and Dividend

Letter below emailed to Trenton Times on 02-11-15 and published in printed paper on 02-21-15.   


“Have I got a deal for you?”

This old comic line came to mind when I read the recent op-ed by Cass Sunstein.  He wrote that people want government to act to slow climate change, but they don’t want to pay more taxes for this.

The deal I have is a system of “carbon fee and dividend”.  Very briefly, here’s how it works.

  • Put gradually rising fee on all fossil fuels.
  • Divide revenue into equal shares and return it to citizens as dividends.
  • Rising price of fossil fuels will send price signal to conserve energy and to replace fossil energy with non-fossil sources.
  • Business community will respond with more energy efficient products and alternative energies like solar and nuclear.
  • Dividends will help citizens adjust and facilitate transition from fossil fuels.

The drive to conserve energy and develop non-fossil energy sources will create new products, services, and jobs.  Carbon fee and dividend will be an all-around win.

Bill Allen

Basking Ridge,  NJ

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