President Obama Action on Immigration

Message below was emailed to White House on 11-22-14 at 0512P.

Mr. President:

Your immigration speech on Thursday night was excellent:  both the substance and the delivery.  I fully support the other progressive actions you have taken since the election [eg global warming agreement with China, call for net neutrality].  Some commentator said that you have “become the Obama we have been waiting for.”  Please continue on this path.

By coincidence I just finished the recent book ”Lincoln’s Gamble” by Todd Brewster the day before your immigration speech.  This describes the six months in 1862 that lead to the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.  There are many parallels with today.

▪ Both you and Lincoln were attorneys, and both of you worked hard over many months to draft a document that would pass legal muster.

▪ Both of you had reason to expect that some would support your action and that others would oppose it.

▪ Both of you had just seen significant losses in the mid-term election.

▪ Both of you knew that what you were doing would not be a permanent fix.  Lincoln pressed for a constitutional amendment in 1863.  I expect that you will continue to press the new Congress for a comprehensive immigration legislation.

▪ Both of you did the right and courageous thing and acted.

Thank you Mr. President.

Bill Allen

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