Establish Normal Relations with Cuba

Msg below sent to Senator Robert Menendez on 12-20-14.

Dear Senator Menendez:

I have supported you in all your state-wide elections and agree with you most of the time.  However, I am disappointed in your position regarding the recognition of Cuba.  I do agree with the main arguments for this action.:

  • Our policy of 50 years has failed to change the government.  It’s time to try something different.
  • Recent surveys show that most Cubans and Cuban Americans (particularly young adults) support this action.
  • Current policy hurts the Cuban people, more than it hurts their government.
  • We deal with authoritarian regimes all over the world.  There is no reason to treat Cuba differently.I have read your statement of December 17 and am not persuaded by it.  In it you say that you plan to recommend hearings on this recognition in January.  Instead of this, please recommend hearings on abolition of trade restrictions.

Thank you.

Bill Allen


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