The American Dream: Endangered?

Will our children and grandchildren have better lives than we do?

This question is on the back cover of Tom Brokaw’s new book The Time of Our Lives and it caught my eye.  He said that the question is “so fundamental it might as well be carved in stone on a Washington monument.”

Further along he wrote: “I believe it is time for an American conversation about legacy and destiny.” A prime purpose of this site is to facilitate this kind of conversation and stimulate political action to make the answer to the above question a resounding YES.

I just finished the book.  It’s excellent and I recommend that you read it.  Brokaw proves again that he understands and loves America and its people.  As I write here there are 15 reviews of the book on Amazon, most better written and more comprehensive than what I could produce.  To see these go to The Time of Our Lives on Amazon

The subtitle of the book is A conversation about America; Who we are, where we’ve been, and where we need to go now, to recapture the American dream.

Bill Allen    11-13-11

More than ever we need to have this conversation.

Bill Allen    03-21-15

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