Do something, g-d d-mn it!!!

The message below was emailed to President Obama on June 7, 2011 and published as a letter to the editor in the Bernardsville News on June 16.     

 Dear Mr. President:

“So do something, g-d d-mn it!!!” 

These words came hissing thru clenched teeth when I watched a clip of your news conference today and you said:  “But we’ve still got enormous work to do.” 

You have been AWOL from the economy for two years, and you have refused to put on the table a serious long-term plan to resolve the federal deficit.  I am a strong Democrat and have voted for every Democratic presidential candidate since Adlai Stevenson in 1952.  But if an election were held today, Mr. President, I would not note vote for you.  You don’t deserve it.  

As one of your opponents said a few days ago:  You have failed the American people.    

These are strong words, but I don’t give up easily.  You can set a new course, form an alliance with Senate and House Democrats, and put forward aggressive proposals to grow the economy and resolve the long term deficit. 

 Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Republicans may filibuster them, and Speaker John Boehner’s Republicans may not touch them at all.  But you will begin to show the American people what Democrats will do and set the stage for a vigorous dialog on real issues in 2012. 

 One specific proposal follows. 

 Main stream economists agree that it is most important now to work to grow the economy..  Big banks are awash with money and using a lot of it for short-term trading and not investing in the economy.  Tax short term trades and use the funds to finance infrastructure repair and development. 

 There are many projects which would get bipartisan support in Congress.  No one can argue that taxes on short term trades will slow the economy.

 You have access to the best business and academic brains in the country.  I am sure that they can design dozens of practical programs that will grow the economy.  But you have to lead and open your administration to some different opinions and new ideas.  The time for change has come. 

 I want to work and vote for you next year, Mr. President.  I pray that you will earn my support.

 Please lead, Mr. President.


Bill Allen, June 7, 2011

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