Mr. President: Please lead on the deficit

The message below emailed to President Obama White House on February 26, 2011.  

Dear Mr. President:

I just watched a recording of your weekly address on CSPAN and another by Senator Rob Portman. Senator Portman made many statements that can be challenged, but he did stress that your recently submitted budget failed to address seriously the deficit problem and follow the recommendations of your deficit commission. His address was far more effective than yours.

I have heard this complaint from others and agree with them. I am deeply disappointed that you have chosen to kick the deficit can down the road.

I have also heard the you have chosen to play a game of political gotcha, in which you will wait for Republicans to make deficit reduction proposals and then savage them in the 2012 campaign. This is morally wrong and politically unwise.

I am a life-long Democrat who has always advocated fiscal responsibility. I urge you to exert real leadership, get out ahead, and meet the deficit challenge.

Respectfully, Bill Allen

Saturday at 1059P

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