Extend ALL tax rates for one more year

The message below was emailed to Senator Frank Lautenberg today, and similar messages were sent to Senator Robert Menendez and Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen. 

Dear Senator Lautenberg:

The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform issued its first report yesterday. This was only a draft, but we can be sure that the final report will also include a mix of spending reductions and revenue increases.  They all should be considered carefully and this will require time.

The new House leadership will need time to demonstrate how it will achieve its spending and revenue goals.

The short lame-duck session of Congress is not an appropriate time to make long-term tax decisions.  It is also not the time to engage in prolonged argument about matters that do not have long-term significance.

Therefore, I recommend that you adopt legislation during the lame-duck session that will extend ALL tax rates for one more year.

Do not extend them for two years, because an election year is also not a good time to make tax decisions.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Bill Allen, 11-11-10

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