Tag Archives: quarry

Homes, Schools and Taxes

Below is link to letter to Bernards Township Planning Board that was submitted during the public hearings for the township Master Plan in 2009.  Click’ on the link to read the letter in pdf format. Homes, Schools and Taxes I … Continue reading

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Quarry Park Does Not Require Public Funds for Land Purchase

Below is a letter that was published in the Bernardsville News on April 20.  It identifies an error in a news article on April 6 and outlines a plan for acquiring the land for Quarry Park.  It refers to a … Continue reading

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"Rational discussion" is needed in Bernards

The letter with the heading above and the content below was published in the Bernardsville News on September 24, 2009. Editor: A letter in your paper on September 17 endorsed the Republican candidates for Bernards Township Committee and included comments … Continue reading

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Quarry Park and Lakeview Village

The article below was the basis for a letter published in the Bernardsville News on July 23, 2009. To see the plan map and detailed description in separate windows click on map and description. Suggestion: Maximize each window and then … Continue reading

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