Tag Archives: immigration

President Obama Action on Immigration

Message below was emailed to White House on 11-22-14 at 0512P. Mr. President: Your immigration speech on Thursday night was excellent:  both the substance and the delivery.  I fully support the other progressive actions you have taken since the election … Continue reading

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The Immigration Bargain; Response

I posted an article on Daily Kos on March 16, 2007, over the name Jersey Grandpa, and entitled “The Immigration Bargain”.  It received 12 comments.  I responded to these in the comment below on March 18. As I write this … Continue reading

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The Immigration Bargain

The article below was first posted on Daily Kos on March 16, 2007, under the name Jersey Grandpa.  It received 12 comments.  I responded on March 18, and that response is posted in this site with that date. Congress is currently considerating … Continue reading

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