Tag Archives: energy

Clean sources are key to energy independence

Letter below was published in the Star-Ledger on March 23, 2022. Clean sources are key to energy independence There is much hand-wringing today about rising gasoline prices and finger-pointing about our failure to achieve energy independence in the United States. … Continue reading

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Let’s talk about today’s issues

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on February 13, 2022 and published on February 18.   Editor: Let’s talk about today’s issues “How about we talk about today’s issues?” These words led the last paragraph of a letter here … Continue reading

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What is Carbon Fee and Dividend ???

Letter below was submitted to the Star Ledger on 03-08-21 Editor: Thank you for the excellent editorial by Tom Moran on March 7.  He outlined present efforts in Congress to enact badly needed climate legislation, with focus on work of … Continue reading

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Investments in the Electric Grid Proposed by JCP&L

Concerns about global warming and the associated problems of climate change, sea level rise, and ocean acidification lead to conclusion that we must stop burning fossil fuels and producing CO2 that goes into the atmosphere (where it functions as a … Continue reading

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We will have no regrets

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 05-09-20 and published on line on 05-11-20.  There was no print edition that week.  Two related issues that it did not address are decades of political and military involvement in the … Continue reading

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Certified Energy Advisor (CEA)

The professional advisor described below was in my mind when I wrote the fifth bullet point of  the proposal entitled “The Next Act”.  That proposal is here. Bill Allen    01-07-20 I propose what I will call a Certified Energy Advisor … Continue reading

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The Next Act

Comment below was first posted in forums on the website of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in November 2019.  The town I refer to in the next-to-last paragraph is Bernards Township in NJ. Bill Allen    01-07-20 My somewhat optimistic … Continue reading

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ReEnergize America

Letter below was submitted to Bernardsville News on 05-11-19.  It was published in the online edition on 05-14-19 and in the print edition on 05-16-19. Carbon Dividend Act to Help “ReEnergize America” EDITOR: I’m interested in lots of things.  Climate … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Earth Day and Global Warming

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 04-23-18 and published in the print edition on 04-26-18. EDITOR: The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.  No one worried then about global warming.  We should now. Warming and … Continue reading

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Global Horizontal Irradiance and Solar Power Generation

The morning headlines speak frequently of new solar powered plants for generating electricity and the declining unit costs for these.  My purpose here is to show that solar power generating performance depends upon the amount of energy received from the sun and how this varies across … Continue reading

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