Tag Archives: economy

HR 763: Real Time Adjustments to Carbon Fee Schedule

HR 763 is a bill introduced in the House of Representatives in January 2019, with the title Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA).  It is nearly identical to the first EICDA, HR 7173 that was introduced in November 2018.  … Continue reading

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There Will Be Opportunities

The letter below was posted on the Bernardsville News website today.  Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the print edition is not now being published.  Bill Allen    04-05-20 EDITOR: Some see problems with every opportunity.  I try to see opportunities with … Continue reading

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Certified Energy Advisor (CEA)

The professional advisor described below was in my mind when I wrote the fifth bullet point of  the proposal entitled “The Next Act”.  That proposal is here. Bill Allen    01-07-20 I propose what I will call a Certified Energy Advisor … Continue reading

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The Next Act

Comment below was first posted in forums on the website of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in November 2019.  The town I refer to in the next-to-last paragraph is Bernards Township in NJ. Bill Allen    01-07-20 My somewhat optimistic … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee Schedule: Real Time Adjustments

HR 7173 was introduced in the House of Representatives on 11-27-18 with the title Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018.  The bill provides for a system of carbon fee and dividend that the Citizens’ Climate Lobby has promoted … Continue reading

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CFD: Return carbon fee revenue to the private sector

There is broad agreement among climate scientists that we must reduce our burning of fossil fuels and the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to slow and ultimately stop the process of global warming, and the associated problems of … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Earth Day and Global Warming

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 04-23-18 and published in the print edition on 04-26-18. EDITOR: The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.  No one worried then about global warming.  We should now. Warming and … Continue reading

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The Carbon Tax Debate

Economist Paul Krugman writes a column in the NY Times twice weekly and blogs almost daily.  He has an excellent blog post on April 28 on the issue of “carbon taxes”, which are taxes on the CO2 that is produced when a fossil fuel is burned.  See Krugman … Continue reading

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A better way to slow global warming and climate change

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 03-27-16 and published in the print edition on 04-07-16. EDITOR: I expect that most of your readers know that the earth is warming and changing our climate, and that we … Continue reading

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Keystone XL Pipeline: A proposal for compromise

Letter below was published on Bernardsville News website on 02-13-15 under title “Keystone pipeline debate ‘more about symbols than substance’.”  It was published in the print version on 02–26-15 under the title “More symbols than substance.” Editor: The U.S. Senate … Continue reading

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