Tag Archives: books

The American Dream: Endangered?

Will our children and grandchildren have better lives than we do? This question is on the back cover of Tom Brokaw’s new book The Time of Our Lives and it caught my eye.  He said that the question is “so fundamental it … Continue reading

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Too Good Not to Share

“My colleagues, they study artificial intelligence.  Me?  I study natural stupidity.” I found above in my Barnes & Noble browsing today.  The speaker was Amos Tversky, a Stanford psychologist, now deceased, and a founding father of behavioral economics.  The quote is in the new book The Darwin Economy by … Continue reading

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Help Wanted

“It is astonishing what foolish things one can temporarily believe if one thinks too long alone, …” I have an addiction: books. I feed my habit by browsing books in the local libraries and book stores. In my regular weekly trip … Continue reading

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