Tag Archives: climate

Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; Best Way to Reduce Use of Fossil Fuels

The post below was intended to be a comment on a Tom Friedman column in the New York Times on 03-17-13.  Comments were closed before it was finished and it was not submitted.  I am posting it here to generate comments and to be … Continue reading

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For many species, no escape as the termperature rises

Plant and animal species are adapted to the climates of the regions in which they live. Fossil records show that species have changed over millions of years. Some of these changes have been biological adaptations to climate changes. The adaptation … Continue reading

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Great "New Yorker" story on the failed energy bill

In the October 11, 2010 The New Yorker, Ryan Lizza, reports: “As the World Burns: How the Senate and the White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change.” I’ll quote from it extensively, but if you don’t … Continue reading

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Senator Robert Menendez Supports EPA Authority to Control CO2

I received a notice from EDF that Senator Jay Rockefeller had introduced legislation to curtail authority that EPA now has to regulate emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. I sent email messages to Senators Lautenberg and Menendez with the … Continue reading

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Climate 101: Our Critical Atmosphere

This article is the first “session” in a series that will describe the science that underlies the concerns for climate change. Most of the data below are from the book “Is the Temperature Rising” by S. George Philander. [Philander 1998] … Continue reading

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Senator Menendez on Climate and Energy

The letter below from Senator Robert Menendez is a response to a letter that I sent him on June 28 and posted with that date.  His letter is dated July 16, and I received it on August 23. The positions Senator Menendez articulates in his letter are excellent overall.  I have put some … Continue reading

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Why OFF by 2050?

I’m old enough to remember when John Kennedy inspired the nation in 1961 and called for a program to land a man on the moon and bring him back safely to earth “before this decade is out.”  Neither he nor … Continue reading

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In Crackdown on Energy Use, China to Shut 2,000 Factories

Above is the lead headline in the New York Times today.  Reporting from Hong Kong, journalist Keith Bradsher begins: “Earlier this summer, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China promised to use an “iron hand” to improve his country’s energy efficiency, … Continue reading

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We’re Hot as Hell; Three Steps to …

The essay below is a response to the failure of the Senate to adopt or even vote on an energy bill in this session.  I downloaded  it  from www.350.org on August 6.  I have put some words in bold and inserted … Continue reading

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The Deniers and the Duck

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and squawks like a duck, it’s a duck. This kernel of folk wisdom often comes to mind when I see or hear someone deny that the earth is warming and that we are … Continue reading

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