Tag Archives: energy

Facts and Confusion: CO2 is Heavier than Coal

Carbon is an atom with atomic weight of 12. During combustion it combines with two oxygen atoms with atomic weight each of 16. The outcome is a CO2 molecule with atomic weight of 44. The molecule that results from the … Continue reading

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We’re Hot as Hell; Three Steps to …

The essay below is a response to the failure of the Senate to adopt or even vote on an energy bill in this session.  I downloaded  it  from www.350.org on August 6.  I have put some words in bold and inserted … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; How It Works

Carbon Fee-and-Dividend;  How It Works The best way to discourage the use of fossil fuels is to raise their prices.  Business leaders and economists have recommended a “carbon tax” for this purpose for many years.  A system called “carbon fee-and-dividend” … Continue reading

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Carbon Cap-and-Trade vs Fee-and-Dividend; Response to EDF

Below is an email message to a representative of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund]. It was the third in an exchange that began on July 12 with a message from me [posted below on July 12].  EDF has long promoted a system … Continue reading

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Whitehouse Reply to Call for Program to ReEnergize America

A letter from the Whitehouse follows that is a response to my letter to President Obama on June 28 [posted below with that date]. It outlines the current administration thinking but does not respond directly to my proposal.  The last paragraph cites two websites.  … Continue reading

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Carbon Cap-and-Trade vs Fee-and-Dividend; EDF Response

Message below on July 27 is the 2nd in an exchange between EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] and me.  Others are posted on July 12 and July 29.  The writer is a Climate Policy Analyst for EDF. Hello Mr. Allen, EDF … Continue reading

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ReEnergize America; request on July 24

Message below was emailed to President Obama on July 24. Bill Allen, 08-03-10    <>    OFFby2050 Dear Mr. President: The PBS NewsHour last night showed a clip of a speech you made in February 2008.  An excerpt follows:  “No business will be … Continue reading

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Support Carbon Fee-and-Dividend, Withdraw from Cap-and-Trade

Message below was sent to EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] on July 12. Leaders of EDF: I am a long time EDF member.  I know that Fred Krupp and EDF and some other environmental organizations promote a system of carbon cap-and-trade, … Continue reading

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Focus on Economy in 2010 and on Carbon Fee-and-Dividend in 2011

Below is a comment posted to an article on the website Climate Progress on July 11, 2010. I have just finished Eric Pooley’s book “The Climate War”. This shows the enormous difficulty of designing and adopting complicated energy legislation in … Continue reading

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ReEnergize America; request on July 3

The message below was emailed to President Obama on July 3. Bill Allen, 08-03-10    <>    OFFby2050 Dear Mr. President: We need a bold national program to build a sustainable economy powered by clean energy and to phase out fossil fuels.  Because this … Continue reading

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