Tag Archives: carbon-fee

Enabling the Transition from Fossil Fuels

The letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on October 9, 2014. EDITOR: We have abundant evidence that the earth is warming. This warming is already producing harmful changes in climate, sea level, and other conditions in the natural … Continue reading

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EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Comment on Proposal

Msg below submitted as comment on 09-22-14 at 0500P.  Tracking number is lower case [ 1JH-8EIL-U4D4 ]. To:      EPA Re:        Docket ID:  EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units There is abundant … Continue reading

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Comment on Tom Friedman Column: Support Carbon Fee and Dividend

Message below submitted as comment on Tom Friedman column in NY Times on 09-07-14. Tom: Thank you for another excellent column. You have advocated a carbon tax for many years, and this is supported by many other respected people, like … Continue reading

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A Progressive Responds

Letter below was published in The Bernardsville News on December 12, 2013 under the title “Proud progressive presents proposals”. EDITOR: The words liberal and conservative have by now been assigned so many different meanings that they are largely useless in … Continue reading

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An Economist Argues for a Carbon Tax

The article below was published in the New York Times on September 1, 2013.  The author is the economist I quoted in my post The World We Leave for Our Children here on July 26.  Below he elaborates on the merits of a carbon … Continue reading

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A Republican Case for Climate Action

Below is a copy of an op-ed in the New York Times on August 1, 2013.  I have put some comments in bold.  You may see the original and related comments [391 by August 9] at NYT op-ed.   Note the reference to a carbon tax.  It would … Continue reading

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The World We Leave for Our Children / Need for Carbon Fee-and-Dividend

The letter below was submitted for publication in the Benardsville News on July 26, 2013.  It was published in the print edition on August 8 and is published on line here. A New York Times op-ed published on August 1 … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; Best Way to Reduce Use of Fossil Fuels

The post below was intended to be a comment on a Tom Friedman column in the New York Times on 03-17-13.  Comments were closed before it was finished and it was not submitted.  I am posting it here to generate comments and to be … Continue reading

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Facts and Confusion: CO2 is Heavier than Coal

Carbon is an atom with atomic weight of 12. During combustion it combines with two oxygen atoms with atomic weight each of 16. The outcome is a CO2 molecule with atomic weight of 44. The molecule that results from the … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; How It Works

Carbon Fee-and-Dividend;  How It Works The best way to discourage the use of fossil fuels is to raise their prices.  Business leaders and economists have recommended a “carbon tax” for this purpose for many years.  A system called “carbon fee-and-dividend” … Continue reading

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