Tag Archives: climate

At stake is the society that we know

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 06-11-18.  It was published in the on-line edition on 06-13-18 and in the print edition on 06-21-18. I show two charts below the published letter and a comment.  Bill Allen    06-21-18 ============================================================== … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Earth Day and Global Warming

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 04-23-18 and published in the print edition on 04-26-18. EDITOR: The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.  No one worried then about global warming.  We should now. Warming and … Continue reading

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Some decision makers are stepping up

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News and published in the print edition on November 9, 2017. EDITOR: Hurricane Harvey dumped record rains on Houston. Myrtle had Category 5 hurricane winds for a record three days before it … Continue reading

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Two are encouraging. One is scary.

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News, posted on line on May 2, and published in the print edition on May 4. EDITOR: “The times they are a-changin’.” So sang Bob Dylan in 1964. The words apply in 2017. … Continue reading

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That’s Why I Am Here

I recently joined the Basking Ridge chapter of Toastmaster International.  Its chapter name is Speech Meisters.  Below is a talk I gave yesterday.  It was called the Ice Breaker, because it was my first and its purpose was to introduce me to the members.  I … Continue reading

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Game Changer

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News.  It was posted on line on December 6 and in the print edition on December 8. EDITOR: Much has been said about the recent election. A frequent word from environmentalists is “disaster.”  I … Continue reading

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Fire and Flood

The article below mirrors a letter submitted to the Bernardsville News today, except that the letter does not include the charts.  Bill Allen,  06-27-16 The letter was posted on the paper’s web site on 07-12-16 and in the print edition today.    Bill … Continue reading

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A better way to slow global warming and climate change

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 03-27-16 and published in the print edition on 04-07-16. EDITOR: I expect that most of your readers know that the earth is warming and changing our climate, and that we … Continue reading

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Terrorist Acts and Climate Change

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 12-06-15 and published in the print edition on 12-10-15.  A small correction in the third paragraph was made here on 01-28-16. EDITOR: Terrorist acts and climate change have dominated the … Continue reading

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Americans support government action to slow global warming and climate change

Letter below was submitted for publication to Bernardsville News on 04-17-15.  It was published with some minor edits in the print edition on 04-23-15 and is published on line here.  EDITOR: In a letter published here on February 26, I proposed that President … Continue reading

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