Tag Archives: carbon-fee

CFD 2.0: Allocation of Dividends to Families with Children

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby [CCL] advocates a system of Carbon Fee and Dividend [CFD].  It has done, and is doing an excellent job of mobilizing staff and volunteers to lobby members of Congress to enact legislation to implement CFD.  It has … Continue reading

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Fire and Flood

The article below mirrors a letter submitted to the Bernardsville News today, except that the letter does not include the charts.  Bill Allen,  06-27-16 The letter was posted on the paper’s web site on 07-12-16 and in the print edition today.    Bill … Continue reading

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The Carbon Tax Debate

Economist Paul Krugman writes a column in the NY Times twice weekly and blogs almost daily.  He has an excellent blog post on April 28 on the issue of “carbon taxes”, which are taxes on the CO2 that is produced when a fossil fuel is burned.  See Krugman … Continue reading

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A better way to slow global warming and climate change

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 03-27-16 and published in the print edition on 04-07-16. EDITOR: I expect that most of your readers know that the earth is warming and changing our climate, and that we … Continue reading

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Americans support government action to slow global warming and climate change

Letter below was submitted for publication to Bernardsville News on 04-17-15.  It was published with some minor edits in the print edition on 04-23-15 and is published on line here.  EDITOR: In a letter published here on February 26, I proposed that President … Continue reading

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Do higher auto fuel prices lead to higher fuel efficiency?

History says:  Yes! Baby boomers, and those of us who are older, remember the rapid rise of gasoline prices in the 1970s and the long lines at the gas pumps.  The rise began after the OPEC petroleum cartel decided in 1973 … Continue reading

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Does a system of carbon fee and dividend create incentives?

This post was first published on 03-09-15.  It is now significantly revised. Those of us who lobby for legislation to implement a system of carbon fee and dividend (CFD) believe, that by starting low and gradually raising fees on fossil fuels, we will create long-term incentives … Continue reading

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Facts and Confusion: Carbon Fees for CO2 and Coal

Post below is an updated and expanded version of CO2 is heavier than coal. Chemistry:  Carbon is an atom with atomic weight of 12. During combustion it combines with two oxygen atoms with atomic weight each of 16. The outcome is a … Continue reading

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Have I got a deal for you? Carbon Fee and Dividend

Letter below emailed to Trenton Times on 02-11-15 and published in printed paper on 02-21-15.    EDITOR: “Have I got a deal for you?” This old comic line came to mind when I read the recent op-ed by Cass Sunstein.  He … Continue reading

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Keystone XL Pipeline: A proposal for compromise

Letter below was published on Bernardsville News website on 02-13-15 under title “Keystone pipeline debate ‘more about symbols than substance’.”  It was published in the print version on 02–26-15 under the title “More symbols than substance.” Editor: The U.S. Senate … Continue reading

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