Category Archives: Taxes

Homes, Schools and Taxes

Below is link to letter to Bernards Township Planning Board that was submitted during the public hearings for the township Master Plan in 2009.  Click’ on the link to read the letter in pdf format. Homes, Schools and Taxes I … Continue reading

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An Economist Argues for a Carbon Tax

The article below was published in the New York Times on September 1, 2013.  The author is the economist I quoted in my post The World We Leave for Our Children here on July 26.  Below he elaborates on the merits of a carbon … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street: Following the Facts

For many years I have read that the size of the financial sector has been growing relative to the economy as a whole. But I was unprepared for what I saw when I looked at the actual numbers.

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Tax Simplification: A Proposal for the Super Committee

The proposal below is written for the “Super Committee” that was formed by Congress in August to recommend measures that will reduce the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion or more over ten years.  It has been sent to each committee member and will be copied … Continue reading

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Tax Simplification and the Plain Tax

This proposal was originally posted on the website Dead River Journal. The president’s deficit commission chaired by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson issued its report in December.  It concluded that meeting the debt challenge will require both reductions in spending … Continue reading

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Extend ALL tax rates for one more year

The message below was emailed to Senator Frank Lautenberg today, and similar messages were sent to Senator Robert Menendez and Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen.  Dear Senator Lautenberg: The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform issued its first report yesterday. This was … Continue reading

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