Category Archives: Politics

Senator Robert Menendez Supports EPA Authority to Control CO2

I received a notice from EDF that Senator Jay Rockefeller had introduced legislation to curtail authority that EPA now has to regulate emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. I sent email messages to Senators Lautenberg and Menendez with the … Continue reading

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Elect Democrats to Reduce Federal Deficit

Letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on 09-30-10. EDITOR: Most thoughtful people are worried about federal debt.  Unfortunately, some of these are listening to professional fear-mongers and are looking in the wrong direction for solutions. I will show that … Continue reading

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Support Democrats for Congress on Election Day

The letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on September 30.  For a look at a display of the relevant facts go to Federal Debt Ratio Chart. EDITOR: Most thoughtful people are worried about federal debt.  Unfortunately, some of these are … Continue reading

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Climate Change: See It Now

“Although not every year had been as dramatic as this, the increasing frequency of draughts, severe flooding episodes, air pollution crises, heat-stress days, brownouts, and forest fires was already stretching the national treasury.” Stephen Schneider wrote these words for the lead chapter … Continue reading

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Senator Menendez on Climate and Energy

The letter below from Senator Robert Menendez is a response to a letter that I sent him on June 28 and posted with that date.  His letter is dated July 16, and I received it on August 23. The positions Senator Menendez articulates in his letter are excellent overall.  I have put some … Continue reading

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Carbon Cap-and-Trade vs Fee-and-Dividend; Response to EDF

Below is an email message to a representative of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund]. It was the third in an exchange that began on July 12 with a message from me [posted below on July 12].  EDF has long promoted a system … Continue reading

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Carbon Cap-and-Trade vs Fee-and-Dividend; EDF Response

Message below on July 27 is the 2nd in an exchange between EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] and me.  Others are posted on July 12 and July 29.  The writer is a Climate Policy Analyst for EDF. Hello Mr. Allen, EDF … Continue reading

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