Category Archives: Nation

There Will Be Opportunities

The letter below was posted on the Bernardsville News website today.  Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the print edition is not now being published.  Bill Allen    04-05-20 EDITOR: Some see problems with every opportunity.  I try to see opportunities with … Continue reading

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Supreme Court justices: 18 years and out

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 02-29-16 and published in the print edition on 03-04-16.  EDITOR: Two writers here on February 25 commented on filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court produced by the death of … Continue reading

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Establish Normal Relations with Cuba

Msg below sent to Senator Robert Menendez on 12-20-14. Dear Senator Menendez: I have supported you in all your state-wide elections and agree with you most of the time.  However, I am disappointed in your position regarding the recognition of … Continue reading

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President Obama Action on Immigration

Message below was emailed to White House on 11-22-14 at 0512P. Mr. President: Your immigration speech on Thursday night was excellent:  both the substance and the delivery.  I fully support the other progressive actions you have taken since the election … Continue reading

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The American Dream: Endangered?

Will our children and grandchildren have better lives than we do? This question is on the back cover of Tom Brokaw’s new book The Time of Our Lives and it caught my eye.  He said that the question is “so fundamental it … Continue reading

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ReEnergize America; request on July 3

The message below was emailed to President Obama on July 3. Bill Allen, 08-03-10    <>    OFFby2050 Dear Mr. President: We need a bold national program to build a sustainable economy powered by clean energy and to phase out fossil fuels.  Because this … Continue reading

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The Immigration Bargain; Response

I posted an article on Daily Kos on March 16, 2007, over the name Jersey Grandpa, and entitled “The Immigration Bargain”.  It received 12 comments.  I responded to these in the comment below on March 18. As I write this … Continue reading

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The Immigration Bargain

The article below was first posted on Daily Kos on March 16, 2007, under the name Jersey Grandpa.  It received 12 comments.  I responded on March 18, and that response is posted in this site with that date. Congress is currently considerating … Continue reading

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