Category Archives: Energy

Enabling the Transition from Fossil Fuels

The letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on October 9, 2014. EDITOR: We have abundant evidence that the earth is warming. This warming is already producing harmful changes in climate, sea level, and other conditions in the natural … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; Best Way to Reduce Use of Fossil Fuels

The post below was intended to be a comment on a Tom Friedman column in the New York Times on 03-17-13.  Comments were closed before it was finished and it was not submitted.  I am posting it here to generate comments and to be … Continue reading

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$80 solar power system in rural Kenya

In yesterday’s New York Times, Elisabeth Rosenthal, reports on getting electricity to a farming village far from Kenya’s electric grid. For Sara Ruto, the desperate yearning for electricity began last year with the purchase of her first cellphone, a lifeline … Continue reading

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Great "New Yorker" story on the failed energy bill

In the October 11, 2010 The New Yorker, Ryan Lizza, reports: “As the World Burns: How the Senate and the White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change.” I’ll quote from it extensively, but if you don’t … Continue reading

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Why OFF by 2050?

I’m old enough to remember when John Kennedy inspired the nation in 1961 and called for a program to land a man on the moon and bring him back safely to earth “before this decade is out.”  Neither he nor … Continue reading

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In Crackdown on Energy Use, China to Shut 2,000 Factories

Above is the lead headline in the New York Times today.  Reporting from Hong Kong, journalist Keith Bradsher begins: “Earlier this summer, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China promised to use an “iron hand” to improve his country’s energy efficiency, … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; How It Works

Carbon Fee-and-Dividend;  How It Works The best way to discourage the use of fossil fuels is to raise their prices.  Business leaders and economists have recommended a “carbon tax” for this purpose for many years.  A system called “carbon fee-and-dividend” … Continue reading

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Support Carbon Fee-and-Dividend, Withdraw from Cap-and-Trade

Message below was sent to EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] on July 12. Leaders of EDF: I am a long time EDF member.  I know that Fred Krupp and EDF and some other environmental organizations promote a system of carbon cap-and-trade, … Continue reading

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Focus on Economy in 2010 and on Carbon Fee-and-Dividend in 2011

Below is a comment posted to an article on the website Climate Progress on July 11, 2010. I have just finished Eric Pooley’s book “The Climate War”. This shows the enormous difficulty of designing and adopting complicated energy legislation in … Continue reading

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Letter to Senator Menendez; ReEnergize America

The letter below was sent to Senator Robert Menendez on June 28 and posted here on August 23. Dear Senator Menendez: We need a national program to phase out fossil fuels and build a sustainable 21st century economy powered by clean … Continue reading

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