Category Archives: Climate

That’s Why I Am Here

I recently joined the Basking Ridge chapter of Toastmaster International.  Its chapter name is Speech Meisters.  Below is a talk I gave yesterday.  It was called the Ice Breaker, because it was my first and its purpose was to introduce me to the members.  I … Continue reading

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Game Changer

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News.  It was posted on line on December 6 and in the print edition on December 8. EDITOR: Much has been said about the recent election. A frequent word from environmentalists is “disaster.”  I … Continue reading

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Fire and Flood

The article below mirrors a letter submitted to the Bernardsville News today, except that the letter does not include the charts.  Bill Allen,  06-27-16 The letter was posted on the paper’s web site on 07-12-16 and in the print edition today.    Bill … Continue reading

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Terrorist Acts and Climate Change

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 12-06-15 and published in the print edition on 12-10-15.  A small correction in the third paragraph was made here on 01-28-16. EDITOR: Terrorist acts and climate change have dominated the … Continue reading

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Americans support government action to slow global warming and climate change

Letter below was submitted for publication to Bernardsville News on 04-17-15.  It was published with some minor edits in the print edition on 04-23-15 and is published on line here.  EDITOR: In a letter published here on February 26, I proposed that President … Continue reading

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EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Comment on Proposal

Msg below submitted as comment on 09-22-14 at 0500P.  Tracking number is lower case [ 1JH-8EIL-U4D4 ]. To:      EPA Re:        Docket ID:  EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units There is abundant … Continue reading

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Comment on Tom Friedman Column: Support Carbon Fee and Dividend

Message below submitted as comment on Tom Friedman column in NY Times on 09-07-14. Tom: Thank you for another excellent column. You have advocated a carbon tax for many years, and this is supported by many other respected people, like … Continue reading

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A Republican Case for Climate Action

Below is a copy of an op-ed in the New York Times on August 1, 2013.  I have put some comments in bold.  You may see the original and related comments [391 by August 9] at NYT op-ed.   Note the reference to a carbon tax.  It would … Continue reading

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The World We Leave for Our Children / Need for Carbon Fee-and-Dividend

The letter below was submitted for publication in the Benardsville News on July 26, 2013.  It was published in the print edition on August 8 and is published on line here. A New York Times op-ed published on August 1 … Continue reading

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For many species, no escape as the termperature rises

Plant and animal species are adapted to the climates of the regions in which they live. Fossil records show that species have changed over millions of years. Some of these changes have been biological adaptations to climate changes. The adaptation … Continue reading

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