Author Archives: Bill Allen

Enabling the Transition from Fossil Fuels

The letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on October 9, 2014. EDITOR: We have abundant evidence that the earth is warming. This warming is already producing harmful changes in climate, sea level, and other conditions in the natural … Continue reading

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A Progressive Responds

Letter below was published in The Bernardsville News on December 12, 2013 under the title “Proud progressive presents proposals”. EDITOR: The words liberal and conservative have by now been assigned so many different meanings that they are largely useless in … Continue reading

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An Economist Argues for a Carbon Tax

The article below was published in the New York Times on September 1, 2013.  The author is the economist I quoted in my post The World We Leave for Our Children here on July 26.  Below he elaborates on the merits of a carbon … Continue reading

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A Republican Case for Climate Action

Below is a copy of an op-ed in the New York Times on August 1, 2013.  I have put some comments in bold.  You may see the original and related comments [391 by August 9] at NYT op-ed.   Note the reference to a carbon tax.  It would … Continue reading

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The World We Leave for Our Children / Need for Carbon Fee-and-Dividend

The letter below was submitted for publication in the Benardsville News on July 26, 2013.  It was published in the print edition on August 8 and is published on line here. A New York Times op-ed published on August 1 … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee-and-Dividend; Best Way to Reduce Use of Fossil Fuels

The post below was intended to be a comment on a Tom Friedman column in the New York Times on 03-17-13.  Comments were closed before it was finished and it was not submitted.  I am posting it here to generate comments and to be … Continue reading

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We a need government that works!

Letter below was emailed to the Benardsville News for publication on 10-12-12.  EDITOR: For many reasons I support the reelection of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.  I will argue here that the makeup of Congress is also critical … Continue reading

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From the Fact-Full Zone: Job Creation

Who Creates More Jobs:  Democrats or Republicans? Above is the title of a letter that I submitted today for publication in the Bernardsville News.  [The letter was published on 02-09-12.]  The full letter is below.  Pundits are using the phrase … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street: Following the Facts, Update

Following is update of analysis first posted on 10-17-11 to include data for quarter ending this past September. For many years I have read that the size of the financial sector has been growing relative to the economy as a … Continue reading

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Who creates more jobs: Democrats or Republicans?

I’m kind of a numbers nut and also a history buff.  When confronted with a question like the one above my preference is to look at the historic data first.  Often this is enough.

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