Author Archives: Site Admin

For many species, no escape as the termperature rises

Plant and animal species are adapted to the climates of the regions in which they live. Fossil records show that species have changed over millions of years. Some of these changes have been biological adaptations to climate changes. The adaptation … Continue reading

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Elect Democrats to Reduce Federal Deficit

Letter below was published in the Bernardsville News on 09-30-10. EDITOR: Most thoughtful people are worried about federal debt.  Unfortunately, some of these are listening to professional fear-mongers and are looking in the wrong direction for solutions. I will show that … Continue reading

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Facts and Confusion: CO2 is Heavier than Coal

Carbon is an atom with atomic weight of 12. During combustion it combines with two oxygen atoms with atomic weight each of 16. The outcome is a CO2 molecule with atomic weight of 44. The molecule that results from the … Continue reading

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Auto Speed and Fuel Efficienty

It is generally accepted that auto fuel consumption goes up as speed increases. The national speed limit was reduced to 55 mph in the 70s to reduce oil consumption. It was allowed to rise when oil became plentiful again and … Continue reading

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