Author Archives: Site Admin

Does a system of carbon fee and dividend create incentives?

This post was first published on 03-09-15.  It is now significantly revised. Those of us who lobby for legislation to implement a system of carbon fee and dividend (CFD) believe, that by starting low and gradually raising fees on fossil fuels, we will create long-term incentives … Continue reading

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Facts and Confusion: Carbon Fees for CO2 and Coal

Post below is an updated and expanded version of CO2 is heavier than coal. Chemistry:  Carbon is an atom with atomic weight of 12. During combustion it combines with two oxygen atoms with atomic weight each of 16. The outcome is a … Continue reading

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President Obama: A Keystone Compromise

Message below was emailed to the White House on 02-14-15.  I have sent similar messages to Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez and to Representatives Rodney Frelinghuysen and Leonard Lance. Bill Allen,  02-24-15 Mr. President:  The U.S. Senate passed a bill to … Continue reading

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Have I got a deal for you? Carbon Fee and Dividend

Letter below emailed to Trenton Times on 02-11-15 and published in printed paper on 02-21-15.    EDITOR: “Have I got a deal for you?” This old comic line came to mind when I read the recent op-ed by Cass Sunstein.  He … Continue reading

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Keystone XL Pipeline: A proposal for compromise

Letter below was published on Bernardsville News website on 02-13-15 under title “Keystone pipeline debate ‘more about symbols than substance’.”  It was published in the print version on 02–26-15 under the title “More symbols than substance.” Editor: The U.S. Senate … Continue reading

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A Fine Performance

Below is a letter submitted to the Bernardsville News on 12-22-14 and published in the print version on 01-08-15.  EDITOR: My daughters went through the local school system and graduated from Ridge in 1986 and 1989.  My wife and I attended almost all … Continue reading

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Establish Normal Relations with Cuba

Msg below sent to Senator Robert Menendez on 12-20-14. Dear Senator Menendez: I have supported you in all your state-wide elections and agree with you most of the time.  However, I am disappointed in your position regarding the recognition of … Continue reading

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President Obama Action on Immigration

Message below was emailed to White House on 11-22-14 at 0512P. Mr. President: Your immigration speech on Thursday night was excellent:  both the substance and the delivery.  I fully support the other progressive actions you have taken since the election … Continue reading

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EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Comment on Proposal

Msg below submitted as comment on 09-22-14 at 0500P.  Tracking number is lower case [ 1JH-8EIL-U4D4 ]. To:      EPA Re:        Docket ID:  EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units There is abundant … Continue reading

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Comment on Tom Friedman Column: Support Carbon Fee and Dividend

Message below submitted as comment on Tom Friedman column in NY Times on 09-07-14. Tom: Thank you for another excellent column. You have advocated a carbon tax for many years, and this is supported by many other respected people, like … Continue reading

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