Author Archives: Site Admin

Donald J. Trump is a Russian agent

Letter below was submitted to Bernardsville News on 07-21-18.  It was published on line on 07-24-18 and in the print edition on 07-26-18. Comments following the press conference by well-known people are below the letter. EDITOR: “Agent:  a person who … Continue reading

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CFD 2.1: Distribution of Carbon Fee Dividends

Main proposal below was completed on 07-11-18 and an introduction was added on 11-23-18.  A formal CFD bill was introduced in the House of Representatives on 11-27-18.  It is HR-7173 and named the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA) … Continue reading

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At stake is the society that we know

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 06-11-18.  It was published in the on-line edition on 06-13-18 and in the print edition on 06-21-18. I show two charts below the published letter and a comment.  Bill Allen    06-21-18 ============================================================== … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Earth Day and Global Warming

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 04-23-18 and published in the print edition on 04-26-18. EDITOR: The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.  No one worried then about global warming.  We should now. Warming and … Continue reading

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Carbon Dividend Administration

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby advocates a system of Carbon Fee and Dividend (CFD), in which revenues from steadily rising “carbon fees” on fossil fuels are returned monthly or quarterly to the private sector via dividends to consumers.  Administration of CFD … Continue reading

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Carbon Dividend Stream for Families with Children

This post originally used the names Version A and Version B.  They have been changed to Version 1 and Version 2 to be consistent with a post on the same issue last year. The analyses described here assumed that emissions … Continue reading

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Some decision makers are stepping up

The letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News and published in the print edition on November 9, 2017. EDITOR: Hurricane Harvey dumped record rains on Houston. Myrtle had Category 5 hurricane winds for a record three days before it … Continue reading

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Two are encouraging. One is scary.

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News, posted on line on May 2, and published in the print edition on May 4. EDITOR: “The times they are a-changin’.” So sang Bob Dylan in 1964. The words apply in 2017. … Continue reading

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That’s Why I Am Here

I recently joined the Basking Ridge chapter of Toastmaster International.  Its chapter name is Speech Meisters.  Below is a talk I gave yesterday.  It was called the Ice Breaker, because it was my first and its purpose was to introduce me to the members.  I … Continue reading

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Global Horizontal Irradiance and Solar Power Generation

The morning headlines speak frequently of new solar powered plants for generating electricity and the declining unit costs for these.  My purpose here is to show that solar power generating performance depends upon the amount of energy received from the sun and how this varies across … Continue reading

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