Author Archives: Site Admin

The Next Act

Comment below was first posted in forums on the website of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in November 2019.  The town I refer to in the next-to-last paragraph is Bernards Township in NJ. Bill Allen    01-07-20 My somewhat optimistic … Continue reading

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Whom are you going to believe?

Below is from a talk I gave recently.    Bill Allen    11-10-19 “Who are you gonna believe, me, or your own’ eyes?” This line is from Chico Marx in a 1930s Marx Brothers movie.  But my talk today is not about … Continue reading

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ReEnergize America

Letter below was submitted to Bernardsville News on 05-11-19.  It was published in the online edition on 05-14-19 and in the print edition on 05-16-19. Carbon Dividend Act to Help “ReEnergize America” EDITOR: I’m interested in lots of things.  Climate … Continue reading

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Homes, Schools and Taxes

Below is link to letter to Bernards Township Planning Board that was submitted during the public hearings for the township Master Plan in 2009.  Click’ on the link to read the letter in pdf format. Homes, Schools and Taxes I … Continue reading

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Quarry Subdivision: Background and Reasons to Oppose

Below are information and comments re the proposal to subdivide the property in Bernards Township known as Millington Quarry.  I hope they will be helpful for those interested in the future for this land. New sections [6] and [9] added … Continue reading

Posted in Bernards | 1 Comment

New Mount Laurel Rules: Close the Gap!

I emailed the letter below to the Bernards Township Committee on January 28, submitted it officially at the regular meeting on January 29, and summarized the key points during the second public comment period. Bill Allen    01-29-19 To:                  Mayor and … Continue reading

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Mount Laurel Needs New Rules

Letter below was submitted to the Bernardsville News on 01-21-19.  It was published on line and in the print edition 0n 01-24-19 under the title “Affordable housing system needs a new design.” EDITOR What we call “Mount Laurel I” was … Continue reading

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Carbon Fee Schedule: Real Time Adjustments

HR 7173 was introduced in the House of Representatives on 11-27-18 with the title Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018.  The bill provides for a system of carbon fee and dividend that the Citizens’ Climate Lobby has promoted … Continue reading

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Affordable Housing and Rezoning Mountainview Corporate Center

The letter below was prepared for the Bernards Township Committee meeting on 09-11-18.  Extracts were read and some other comments made during the public hearing on Ordinance 2405, and the full letter was emailed to the Township Clerk the next … Continue reading

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CFD: Return carbon fee revenue to the private sector

There is broad agreement among climate scientists that we must reduce our burning of fossil fuels and the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to slow and ultimately stop the process of global warming, and the associated problems of … Continue reading

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